dungeon/fixed_pokemon.bin 0x20 bytes long entries 0x00 - Pokémon ID 0x01 - unk 0x02 - Additional HP boost (2 bytes) 0x04 - unk 0x05 - unk 0x06 - unk 0x07 - unk 0x08 - Move 1 (2 bytes) 0x0A - Move 2 (2 bytes) 0x0C - Move 3 (2 bytes) 0x0E - Move 4 (2 bytes) 0x10 - unk 0x11 - unk 0x12 - unk 0x13 - unk 0x14 - unk 0x15 - unk 0x16 - Level 0x17 - Additional Attack boost 0x18 - Additional Defense boost 0x19 - Additional Special Attack boost 0x1A - Additional Special Defense boost 0x1B - Ability 1 from the Pokémon's pokemon_data_info.bin entry (should be 00, or 01, or 02 or 03? None, 1, 2 and hidden? needs testing) 0x1C - Ability 2? (always matches ability 1? needs testing) 0x1D - unk 0x1E - unk 0x1F - unk